What is EMDR?
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Side-to-side eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation (e.g. left-right tapping) seem to activate our problem-solving process, something that happens during REM sleep when our eyes are darting back and forth. By focusing on a specific problem, its negative and positive emotions, sensations and the associated negative beliefs (e.g. “I am worthless”, “I am powerless” etc…), then adding bilateral stimulation, our brains begin problem solving - and healing. The work is done along with grounding and resourcing techniques to keep us in the window of tolerance while desensitizing current stressors, reprocessing the past (developmental trauma and/or PTSD) and assists with tomorrow’s game plan, all in one session. Tools include, but are not limited to, EMDR, CONTAINED (EMDr) and RESTRICTED (EMD^) allowing you to choose the content to be processed and the depth of processing to help you stay in more control of the process (and your emotions).
EMDR is an evidence-based tool that can produce lasting results with either a focused short-term treatment approach or within a more longterm therapy process.
For more details on EMDR and EMDR research studies go to www.emdria.org.